Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Is It Too Late?

written and originally posted on Jan 14, but "set back in time" to be the first post of the blog.
I hope you don't mind this "initial cheating" here. It's for only 14 days and, in the upcoming year, in the days when I know I'll be traveling or away all day.

I know I'm a little late in getting into the 365 project bandwagon. Is is fair if I go back and post from January 1st? [I already did] I didn't even take photos every day since then, but I want to do it anyway. Will you forgive me if I do so? [forgiven or not, here it is]

OK, so, without further ado, I'll get this blog going. I'm excited about the clean white template. The only hard thing will be posting only ONE photo a day! :)

1 comment:

Oonie said...

So fun and so ambitious! Good for you. And I laughed and laughed at the "after" clothesline photo until I realized the double work it meant for you. :-( Still, a great photo series. Looking forward to more!